This project was undertaken by the Mcnaughtons Landscaping team in Tunbridgewells which encompassed the entire garden.
Creating a stunning and useful space was high on the clients agenda. Both ourselves and the client agree the outcome is fantastic.
Zoning and tiering was key to creating visual appeal in this garden. We created four different areas with a central lawn to achieve the end goal.
Firstly the main eating, entertaining and living area was the large Millboard decking area directly outside the rear of the property. This created a practical open area where the clients could entertain and even put a 12ft free standing pool on too. A really handy area for all sorts of activities! The surrounding walls were rendered with a through coloured light blue and capped with a papyrus limestone which was bespoke sawn, polished and bullnosed to create the exquisite surround to the lovely area. Exterior lighting was installed through the decking and up the steps to the lawn which gave it all a warm inviting glow in the evening. This was the middle tier.
Secondly at the border of the lawn in an L shape we installed a planting bed with a slatted fence as a more interesting back drop. The bed was planted with various varieties of tree for extra privacy and lower down a planting scheme was created and installed with lighting to enjoy the atmosphere any time. This was on the higher tier.
The next tier was the lowered 'fire pit room' which consisted of a generous circular area sunken into the corner of the garden with a more traditional style and aged appearance. The walls were faced with a beige limestone in a dry stacked walling layout with papyrus limestone steps leading up to the higher tier. The circular flooring was created with Chelmer Valley Old Belgium pavers which were used in a herringbone format which combined with the limestone walling created a striking area. Again lighting was installed into the paving shining onto the walling picking up the natural texture. This will be used as an area for a fire pit to be used and to be sat round, the enclosed nature of the area provides a cozy feeling more protected from the elements and a private area.
A transition was created from the traditional area back to a more contemporary theme. This was executed by using a sharp change in materials from the limestone back to the through coloured render and coping. This transitioned into the edible garden zone. A cleanly metal edged path was constructed through the area creating a flowing effect and dividing the beds planted with various herbs, fruits and vegetables. The fencing was cladded with diagonal trellis to aid the climbing of various plants and to improve the aesthetic finish to the area. The path leads to another set of bullnose steps which take you up to the decking area.
The variety of materials chosen and variation of areas creates a really interesting and appealing finished product with lots of areas for different activities and room to really enjoy the area. Adding tiers to the garden also adds pleasant complexity making the garden feel even bigger.
We really enjoyed creating the garden, getting to know the clients and using new and interesting materials in interesting contexts!